When it comes to cars, one word comes to mind above all others, and that one word is “freedom.” And for good reason: cars, trucks, and a variety of other automobiles offer us the ability to get from point A to point B in no time flat, and that opens up the world as we know to an extent we never previously imagined. Getting your driver’s license and your first car is akin to a baby bird learning to fly. No longer grounded, the world is your oyster. Therefore, as we begin to forget how great having a set of wheels truly is, it’s a good idea to go back to basics and remember why you fell in love with your first car to begin with, and there’s no better reminder than a road trip. Road trips are an amazing way to make use of your car for recreation, and it goes beyond that. Think back to the beat generation’s classic novel, On the Road, and the true extent of the road trip’s power comes to light.
For starter’s, the road trip is a more accessible alternative to more conventional vacations. We can’t always afford a plane ticket, or a hotel room, but we all have cars that we regularly depend on, so you’ve got the keys to the kingdom already. You can see a lot of interesting sights along the way in a road trip that you’ve probably never even heard of. There are an absolute litany of obscure tourist attractions all over the U.S. that go without mainstream attention, and these attractions are just waiting for the modern adventurer to stumble across them. Why not take this indigo coupon and get a copy of On the Road and retrace the road trip detailed in the novel, for example? What better way is there to reconnect to the pure joy of mobility that a set of wheels has to offer than taking an actual journey in your ride? This is a trip that is sure to reignite your passion for you car.