Limos are known as a symbol of status, class and authority. This is the reason why it is the most favorite brand of vehicles for those who command power and authority in their country or in their organizations. These people when choose Limos as their favorite vehicle then they are followed by the trail of their followers and copy cats who want to copy everything which is being done by their ideals or role models hence, making the Limousines as the most desired brand of luxury vehicles worldwide. These influential people also want their vehicle to be one and only vehicle in its class. In order to do so they want their vehicle to be designed as per their choice and need. In order to do so, they choose the services of Inkas builds custom coaches who are one of the few authorized vehicle modifiers.
Understanding the desires and aspirations of their client
In order to understand as what exactly the client desires from them, the professionals from the company have meetings with the client. They understand the desires of the client. They also gauze the feasibility of conversion of the vehicles as per the desires of the client. Then they tell them as what could be done and what cannot be done. Once the client and the professionals come to a consensus then the dismantling of the vehicle starts.
Customizing the vehicle according to your needs
Once the dismantling of the vehicle takes place then the experts from the electrical and mechanical join heads to decide the priority list of the work to be carried out by the technicians, so that no more dismantling of the vehicle is required to accommodate something important in the vehicle. Once the priority of the work is being decided then the work on the ground level starts.
Interior customization of the vehicle takes place
Once the stretching of the vehicle takes place then the most important and the visual part of the interior takes place. In this process, the placing of the provisions of comfort of the client is installed in the vehicle. It requires placing the HVAC inside the vehicle which contains air purifier system attached in it to facilitate the smokers traveling in the vehicle. The seat of the driver or the captain is attached with all the hydraulic attachments of the vehicle thus providing the captain access to all the systems of the vehicles without disturbing the owner or the guest in the vehicle.